<span class="highlight">Complaints</span> - Cardiff Adult Services
<span class="highlight">Complaints</span> - Cardiff Childrens Services
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman considers complaints from the public against government departments, a range of public bodies in the UK, and the NHS in England, that have not acted properly ...
<span class="highlight">Complaints</span> about Voluntary Organisations
Most complaints regarding a charity should be addressed to the trustees and dealt with by them under the charity’s own internal complaints procedures. However, there are a limited number of circumstances ...
<span class="highlight">Complaints</span> about the Health Service
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board and each of its Trusts and GP Practices have a procedure for dealing with complaints. New Regulations aimed at streamlining the handling of concerns ...
<span class="highlight">Complaints</span>
There may be times at which people feel dissatisfied with a service they have received, and wish to make a formal complaint. There are several bodies which have been set up to deal with complaints, and ...
Data Protection Act
... they can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office for help. Complaints are usually dealt with informally, but if this isn’t possible, enforcement action can be taken.
Both Cardiff and the Vale Councils ...
Wills Trusts and other Legal Advice
... and complaints please contact the Parents Federation or the Friendly Trust (see below) for a list of solicitors. The Citizen’s Advice Bureau also has a section dealing with assessments and other issues. ...
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The Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)
... to make sure that requirements of the Care Standards Act and associated regulations are met
Complaints and concerns –When CSSIW receives a concern or complaint about a provider they look to see whether ...
Terms Used on this Website
... complaints made by or on behalf of individuals.
Occupational Therapist (OT)
They visit the person you care for and can advise on and provide special equipment to help with daily life, for example ...
Adult - Unified Assessment
More information on available leaflets- see below and Information for Service Users
Appeals, complaints and comments
You can appeal against a decision if you disagree with it or if you think ...
Appeals, <span class="highlight">Complaints</span> and Comments
... contacting a councillor, AM or MP to a judicial review or an appeal to the European Court.
If a complaint or a dispute with social services arises, you may use the local authority's complaints procedure ...