Articles in Category: Introduction

Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation

on Monday, 03 June 2013. Posted in Introduction

How Can We Help You ?
Let us know your problems - we cannot guarantee to solve them but may be able to point you in the right direction or take up any justified issues.  We can put you in contact with other parents with similar experiences who are happy to share their knowledge and the ways they have been able to make progress.  Just telephone the Parents Federation on 029 2056 5917 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Who Are We?
  • The Federation is for parents, families, friends and unpaid carers of disabled children and adults with learning disabilities living in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.
  • The organisation is funded from a variety of sources including Local Authority and other grant giving bodies. 
  • We are a charity run by and for parents and carers of disabled children and adults with a learning disability.
  • We meet frequently and our work is carried out by volunteer parents and a small staff team
  • It is through the Parents Federation that the views of parents and unpaid carers, are officially shared with Local Authorities, Health Bodies, and the Voluntary Sector in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan.

 What Do We Do?

The Parents' Federation aims to:

  • Ensure that families feel supported and not isolated
  • Promote Person Centred Planning
  • Promote volunteering engagement, play, leisure and vocational opportunities
  • Ensure that parents and Carers are kept informed, consulted and listened to
  • Promote opportunities for disabled children to access play
  • Raise awareness on the part of the public and professionals how they can help disabled people
  • Promote a comprehensive range of respite options for learning disabled children, adults and their carers We do this by:
    • Production of a range of information resources
    • Hosting the Understanding Disability Awards for promoting positive attitudes towards people with learning disabilities
    • Taking a lead in strategic planning
    • Working with partners to offer family carer focussed support services
    • Working with our many partners to promote, develop and maintain the provision of a wide range of opportunities and services

Can We Help You?

Caring for a child or adult with a learning disability can be demanding and isolating. Many of our 800 family members can assist you by sharing their experiences, knowledge and coping strategies. The Parents Federation arrange and co-ordinate meetings, workshops and other opportunities for families to meet and support each other.

Promote Innovation, Opportunities and Positive Attitudes

  • We organise our Annual Understanding Disability Awards that promotes positive attitudes towards learning disabilities
  • We encourage and enable contact between carers in similar situations. People often find this to be very helpful
  • We support the development of new and better services

Your Involvement

We value your views as a parent/carer. We encourage parents to participate by sharing their experiences, knowledge and opinions with other members.


Membership is free. To be added to our mailing list and receive regular updates and information contact:­

Cardiff and the Vale Parents Federation
Spectrwm Community Centre 
Bwlch Road
Fairwater,  Cardiff CF5 3EF 
Tel: 029 2056 5917 
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are also on Facebook and Twitter

We gratefully acknowledge the support of these sponsors

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