Articles in Category: Menu Items


on Monday, 01 July 2013. Posted in Menu Items

Self Advocacy

Self Advocacy groups encourage people to communicate their thoughts and opinions, listen, understand rights and responsibilities and make their own decisions. People can also learn how they can make changes.

Community Advocacy

Community Advocacy groups speak up on behalfof other people with a learning disability. They put forward the views of their community of interest to decision makers.

Citizen Advocacy

Citizen Advocacy involves a volunteer forming a long-term, one-to-one partnership with an adult who has a learning disability. The volunteer will help their ‘partner’ to speak up for their rights and say what they want.

Independent Casework Advocacy

This is provided by paid staff. It is a time limited, issue based advocacy service. Requests for independent advocacy are confidential and are accepted as self-referral, from families / friends and organisations. Independent Casework Advocates (ICA) do not make decisions for people, or tell them what is best for them. Their role is to help people understand their rights and any choices they may have. If necessary an ICA will speak up for people and represent them.

Cardiff and Vale Advocacy Gateway

Not sure where to turn for advocacy and advice? The gateway will steer you toward the available options.

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