
Artificial Limb and Appliance Service (ALAS)

The Artificial Limb and Appliance Service (ALAS) based at Rookwood Hospital provides the following services:

Artificial Eye Service
This caters for the needs of people who have been referred to an Orbital Prosthetist for
assessment. Where appropriate a detailed specification and mould of the patient’s orbit is made during the assessment and the finished prosthesis is manufactured at a central laboratory in Blackpool.

Artificial Limb Service
The service is for artificial limb users. On referral, individuals are assessed. Where appropriate this will lead to the manufacture and provision of a suitable prosthesis and
subsequent training to assist in it’s use. The service also provides maintenance and repairs of the limbs and regular reviews.

A wheelchair service is available to users who require equipment ranging from the direct
issue of a standard wheelchair to an individual assessment for specialised and powered
chairs. Assessments are undertaken in clinics, schools, the client’s home and other settings as required. The delivery, collection, repair and maintenance of equipment is handled in-house. The provision of user manuals on the web site is currently being reviewed. If a user manual for a wheelchair is required, please contact your local centre.

Communication Aid Centre
A service is offered to communication impaired individuals of any age group throughout South Wales for assessment of suitable alternative or augmentative means of communication. A limited short term loans bank of equipment is available for assessment. Follow-up adviceand support can be arranged for users of new
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) devices. Talks are given and Open Days held.


  • Cardiff and Vale University Local Health Board
    Artificial Limb and Appliance Centre (ALAC)
  • Rookwood Hospital, Fairwater Road
  • Llandaff
  • Cardiff
  • CF5 2YN


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