Cardiff Learning Disability Team

The County is divided into two areas:
Cardiff West and Cardiff East

Each has two Learning Disability Teams, one for the North-East and South-East and another for the North-West and South West. Each Team has staff from Social and Health Services who are responsible for assessing the needs of adults (17 years plus) with a learning disability and planning and purchasing appropriate packages of services to meet those needs.
Cardiff Council provides social workers and case managers.
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg (ABM) University Health Board provides community nurses, case
managers, and a range of therapists.
The work of these staff is co-ordinated by a Service Manager for learning disabilities covering the county.

The services may be arranged or purchased from the Councils Accommodation, Day Services, Health Authority, voluntary organisations or the private sector. The Learning
Disability Teams also work closely with the Local Authority Housing and Education Services in order to best meet an individual’s needs.


  • Denise Moriarty, Service Manager
  • Learning Disabilities, Cardiff Council Room 238b, County Hall,
  • Atlantic Wharf
  • Cardiff
  • CF10 4UW


  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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