Contact a Family (CAF)
CAF welcomes any queries on caring for disabled children from parents or professionals, including information on rare conditions. It has links with over 900 local support groups and contacts and 350 national groups. Parents of children with a rare or specific
condition can ask to be put in touch with the nearest family whose child has a similar
disability/syndrome as well as being linked to local or national groups. Contact a Family has several affiliated local parents groups in Wales.
CAF produces a useful directory of specific conditions and rare syndromes in children with
their Family Support Networks, and a range of factsheets, some in Welsh, including Special
Educational Needs – Wales.
- Contact a Family Cymru
- 33-35 Cathedral Road
- Cardiff
- CF11 9HB
And at: : Contact a Family
- 209-211 City Road
- London
- EC1V 1JN
- Telephone: 029 2039 6624, Head Office: 020 7608 8700
- E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Website: