
The Guide Association

Guiding welcomes those whose mental or physical disabilities limit their activities but not their hopes and achievements. The programme of activities is sufficiently flexible for girls of almost any level of ability to participate. The leaders and the girl’s own small group provide her with the support and encouragement.

There are Units of Brownies and Guides set up in special schools but the majority of girls with
disabilities are integrated into Units within their own community.

Each Guiding county has an Adviser for Members with Disabilities whom Unit Leaders can contact if they need more information on a particular disability or to be put in touch with other
Leaders who have girls with similar problems in their units.


  • Girlguiding UK
    Commonwealth Headquarters
  • 17-19 Buckingham Palace Road
  • London
  • SW1W 0PT
  • And at: :
    Girlguiding Cymru
  • Llandinam
  • Powys
  • SY17 5DE


  • Telephone: HQ: 020 7834 6242, Wales: 01686 688 652
  • E-Mail: chq@girlguiding.org.uk, WalesHQ@girlguiding.org.uk

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