Cardiff - Support for Carers
Cardiff Council Adult Services
The Cardiff Carers’ Strategy was launched in June 2010 with the primary aim of ‘improving the quality of carer’s lives’. It recognises the commitment and hard work of carers in Cardiff who look after family members or friends who are ill, frail or disabled. The strategy is aimed at adult carers caring for someone aged 18 or over.
The strategy supports a commitment by Cardiff Council Adult Services and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board who work together aiming to improve support and services available to carers. This work aims to enable carers to continue to care in a safe and supported environment whilst also addressing their need for recognition and to have a life of their own.
Cardiff Council Adult Services provide funding to a number of voluntary organisations to provide the following type of support including:
- Sitting services
- Advocacy and advice
- Information and signposting
- Support for Black and Minority Ethnic Carers
- Financial, welfare and benefit advice
Most of the services are accessed via a Carers Assessment and dependant on assessed need.
If you are 18 or over caring for someone aged 18 or over, ask the social worker allocated to the person you care for a Carers Assessment, or
Contact & Assessment on 029 2053 6444 to make a request.
Families First Cardiff
The Parents Federation offers support for carers of a child of young person upto the age of 25 as part of the Families First Consortia
Carers Emergency Card and Contingency Plan Scheme
The Carer’s Emergency Card scheme provides peace of mind by ensuring that social services have nominated people to contact in an emergency. It is a credit card sized card that is carried by a Carer at all times. In case of an accident, sudden illness or any other reason the Carer is unable to return home, the cared-for person would be at risk of serious harm if left alone. By making a brief call to Social Services, help can be arranged for the person who is
looked after.
To be eligible for the scheme you must:
- Be a carer living in Cardiff/ Vale of Glamorgan, or looking after someone living in Cardiff/Vale of Glamorgan.
- Be 18 or over looking after someone aged 18 or over.
- Complete a Carers Assessment with Adult Services.
For further information contact:
Carers Policy & Development Officer
Room 366 County Hall
Cardiff CF10 4UW
Tel: 029 2087 3631
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Health Board Third Sector Member and Carers’ Champion
Margaret McLaughlin is the Independent Member (Third Sector) of the Cardiff and Vale Health Board and Health Board Carers’ Champion and can be contacted at:
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